Special Terms and Conditions - English

1. Application of Special Terms

1.1 These Special Terms and Conditions apply to customers referred to Diginex through the HSBC Referral Program (“HSBC Customers”).
1.2 These Special Terms and Conditions apply together with the Diginex SaaS Terms and Conditions.
1.3 If these Special Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with the Diginex SaaS Terms and Conditions, these Special Terms and Conditions prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.
1.4 Defined terms used herein that are not otherwise defined shall have the meaning as defined in the Diginex SaaS Terms and Conditions.

2. HSBC Customers

2.1 HSBC Customers will receive a 20% discount to Diginex’s standard fee for subscriptions to diginexESG (the “Special Rate”); this Special Rate will be applicable for an unlimited number of Seats with no expiration date.
2.2 HSBC Customers that terminate their subscription in accordance with the Diginex SaaS Terms and Conditions will no longer receive the Special Rate unless they re-subscribe to diginexESG through the HSBC Referral Program.
2.3 By proceeding to subscribe to diginexESG and enjoying the Special Rate, HSBC Customers agree and acknowledge that Customer Content may be shared by Diginex with HSBC on an anonymized basis upon the request of HSBC from time to time.


1. 特別條款的適用

1.1 本特別條款及細則適用於透過滙豐轉介計劃轉介至 Diginex 的客戶(「滙豐客戶」)。
1.2 本特別條款及細則與 Diginex SaaS 條款及細則一起適用。
1.3 如本條款及細則與 Diginex SaaS 條款及細則不一致,概以本條款及細則為準。
1.4 此處使用的未另行定義的定義術語應具有 Diginex SaaS 條款及細則中定義的含義。

2. 滙豐客戶

2.1 滙豐客戶將獲得 diginexESG 標準費用 20%的折扣(「特惠價」);此特惠價適用於 的座位數量為無限制,且無到期日。
2.2 根據 Diginex SaaS 條款及細則終止訂閱的滙豐客戶將不再獲得特惠價,除非他們通 過滙豐轉介計劃重新訂閱 diginexESG。
2.3 通過繼續訂閱 diginexESG 並享有特惠價,滙豐客戶同意並承認,Diginex 可應滙豐 不時作出的要求以匿名方式與滙豐共用客戶內容


1. 特别条款的适用

1.1 本特别条款及细则适用于透过汇丰转介计划转介至 Diginex 的客户(「汇丰客 户」)。
1.2 本特别条款及细则与 Diginex SaaS 条款及细则一起适用。
1.3 如本条款及细则与 Diginex SaaS 条款及细则不一致,概以本条款及细则为准。
1.4 此处使用的未另行定义的定义术语应具有 Diginex SaaS 条款及细则中定义的含义。

2. 汇丰客户

2.1 汇丰客户将获得 diginexESG 标准费用 20%的折扣(「特惠价」);此特惠价适用于 的座位数量为无限制,且无到期日。
2.2 根据 Diginex SaaS 条款及细则终止订阅的汇丰客户将不再获得特惠价,除非他们通 过汇丰转介计划重新订阅 diginexESG。
2.3 通过继续订阅 diginexESG 并享有特惠价,汇丰客户同意并承认,Diginex 可应汇丰 不时作出的要求以匿名方式与汇丰共用客户内容。